Transform Your Lab With tinybio

Unleash the power of large language models to design and run experiments

  • Revive Your Old Samples: Unleash the full potential of your archived samples with our advanced AI algorithms. Bring new life to your dormant data
  • Faster Analysis: Quick and efficient data analysis tools help you sift through your backlog of samples. Less time analyzing means more time for innovation.
  • Cost Efficiency: Make use of your existing resources and save on the costs associated with acquiring new samples. It's all about doing more with what you have.

Our Free Offerings

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Chat Bot

A chat bot that is designed to help bioinformaticians and researchers.

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Full workflows

Experiment Crafter

A  specialized tool to understand what type of analysis is possible on your samples.

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PDF to Code

A specialized tool to better understand a previously written paper.

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Slack Integration

Our specialized chatbot within your Slack environment.

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Discord Integration

Our specialized chatbot within your Discord environment.

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On-premise & cloud compute resources

Execution Engine

A lightweight python package designed to get you running on the cloud.

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See our Specialized Offering

Our Paid Offerings

Tinybio offers a host of paid offerings that integrate your specific data into your workflows