Unlock the Power Of Large Language Models For Your Lab

Don't Let Software Slow You Down

Generative AI tools that have the context of what you're working on and work on a private large language model. Get answers to the questions that you have that are in context and aware of what you're working on at the current moment.

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Proven AI workflows
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QA tools that know what you're working on
Check - Codely X Webflow Template
Generative tools that know your stack
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Generate experiments that are relevant
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Deliver results up to 70% faster

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Our Tooling Will Provide Total Context

Our generative tools will consider information from these sources when providing in context answers.


Your internal code repositories and tools.


Your task management and documentation systems.

Individual modules

Internal Research

Published or unpublished research documents

Real Time Code Save - Codely X Webflow Template

Your Sprint Goals

What are the most pressing issues that you are considering

Code Debugger - Codely X Webflow Template

Research Objective

The labs general research mission

Latest Research

The latest pre-prints from BioRxiv and other sources

Our Full Suite Of Tools

Our large language model offering is primed for biological research through Github & other sources.

Chat Bot

A chat bot that is designed to help bioinformaticians and researchers.

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Full workflows

Experiment Crafter

An AI tool to understand what type of analysis is possible on your samples.

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PDF to Code

A specialized tool to better understand a previously written paper.

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Pipeline Generator

A specialized tool to quickly build biology analysis pipelines.

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Real Time Code Save - Codely X Webflow Template

Agent Chats

Multi interaction chat sessions for solving more complex tasks

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On-premise & cloud compute resources

AI Lab Notebook

Our newest LIMS product for bioinformaticians.

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