tinybio For Research

Writes & Runs Code.
Cleans Data.
Performs QA.

Our generative AI solution can automatically write complete bioinformatics code and solve your most pressing problems. Work faster and get to insights faster using tiny intern.

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Works with .RData, Seurat, DESeq2, .bam, .sam, .vcf, .txt, and others.
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Works with R applications like tinyverse, Seurat, & DESeq2.
Check - Codely X Webflow Template
Works with Python applications like pandas, scanpy, and sci-py.
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Able to run 50+ packages out of the box. Capable of installing more.
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AWS & GCP supported

See How tiny intern Does scRNAseq Analysis Below:

Popular Use Cases

tiny intern can be used for several different use cases. Here are some that we support:

scRNA-Seq Analysis

With tiny intern you can do the below and more in minutes:

  • Run Scanpy & Seurat functions through chat
  • Generate UMAP visualizations
  • Run QC on aligned scRNAseq data
  • Generate different graph variants in minutes
  • Integrate multi-omic datasets
  • Debug existing code
  • Integrate new methods into existing code

RNA-Seq Analysis

With tiny intern you can do the below and more in minutes:

  • Run DESeq2 driven analysis through chat
  • Interogate your .bam & .sam files with samtools
  • Run QC on aligned RNA-Seq data
  • Use gffreader through chat
  • Debug existing code
  • Integrate new methods into existing code

Run QA Quickly

With tiny intern you can do the below and more in minutes:

  • Run QC on counts & raw data
  • Understand mitochndrial percentage of your sampls
  • Understand percentage of zero count genes
  • Generate filtered DESeq2 & Seurat objects
  • Remove NULL and zero values in your csvs
  • Remove low PHRED score reads

Create Beautiful Charts & Graphs

With tiny intern you can do the below and more in minutes:

  • Run complex analyses with pandas, dplyr, & numpy
  • Create stunning visuals using seaborn & ggplot2
  • Quickly edit the charts through chat
  • Integrate multiple files into a single analysis
  • Upload images of charts you want to replicate for reference
  • Work with both .csvs and .xlsx files

Find Samples Quickly

With tiny intern you can do the below and more in minutes:

  • Use Entrez & biopython utilities
  • Navigate complex NCBI databases using chat
  • Navigate complex EGA & GDC databases using chat
  • Build download scripts for these samples quickly
  • Write all of the relevant samples to a .csv for further anlaysis
  • Work with both .csvs and .xlsx files

Clean Up Excel Sheets Fast

With tiny intern you can do the below and more in minutes:

  • Use pandas, & dplyr to clean the data to your liking
  • Get copies of the cleaned data files to use in your analysis
  • Perform fast transformation that would be tedious
  • Merge multiple csvs into one
  • Quickly remove NULL values
  • Work with both .csvs and .xlsx files

Run Advanced Analysis

With tiny intern you can do the below and more in minutes:

  • Run complex analyses with tools like sci-py.
  • Quickly generate machine learning models
  • Quickly edit parameters through chat
  • Run more complex methods like SVM & Neural Networks
  • Download the code from cloud storage & run on your machine
  • Works on all types of data (xlsx, csv, RData, etc...)

Use PDFs & Images For Reference

With tiny intern you can do the below and more in minutes:

  • Upload a pdf and then use the methods described for your own research
  • Upload images that you would like to reproduce
  • Quickly adapt new techniques to your data
  • Provide reference techniques for the LLM
  • Ask for elaboration & explanation of certain concepts
  • Works with PDFs up to 20 pages in length
Schedule A Demo

Enterprise Ready

Real Time Coding - Codely X Webflow Template

No Data Migration

tiny intern automatically connects your data buckets so that you don't have to migrate.

Over 50 Languages - Codely X Webflow Template

Environment Setup

You tell us which software  you would like tiny intern to use to help with your use cases.

Available On All Platforms - Codely X Webflow Template

Easy Data Portability

No lock ins. All of the data & code stays on your systems.

Avatars Icon - Codely X Webflow Template

Team Pricing

Team pricing options are available for larger teams to fuel seamless collaboration.

Input Icon - Codely X Webflow Template

Your Research Discipline

Tuned to be more useful for your specific use cases.

Granular Permissions - Codely X Webflow Template

Secure LLM interaction

Our application will not use your data for subsequent training.

Ways To Communicate To Your Manager

Here are some useful email and chat templates on how to let your boss know about tinybio.

Email To Send To Your Manager

Here is an email to send to your manager about tinybio. We are hoping to communicate that tinybio:

  • Uses the powers of LLMs to write complex analyses in minutes
  • Great for busy work like QA, data cleaning, & graphing
  • Does not train on enterprise data
  • Does not require any migration
  • Has been used by over 1000+ researchers from top institutions

Hi [ Insert Name ],

I wanted to send you a note about using tinybio, with tiny intern, at [ Insert Team Name Here]. It's a tool that uses LLMs to quickly write R, Python, & bash scripts for QA, data cleaning, and graphing. It can even use software like DESeq2, Seurat, & samtools! A lot of other researchers use them and they have a version you can try for free here: ai.tinybio.cloud/chat.

I think it's a good fit for us because it can free me and others up to work on other things in our pipeline, it doesn't train on our data, and doesn't require a migration.

Should I schedule a demo?
-[Your Name]

Slack/Teams Message To Send To Your Manager

Here is a sample Slack message to send to your manager about tinybio. We are hoping to communicate that tinybio:

  • Uses the powers of LLMs to write complex analyses in minutes
  • Great for busy work like QA, data cleaning, & graphing
  • Does not train on enterprise data
  • Does not require any migration
  • Has been used by over 1000+ researchers from top institutions

hey [ Insert Name Here ], I've been exploring tinybio's tiny intern for [Insert Team Name] and think it could really make us much faster. This tool uses AI to create R, Python, bash scripts for QA, data cleaning, and graphing. It can use Seurat & DESeq2! I tried the free trial (ai.tinybio.cloud/chat) and have liked what I've seen so far. Honestly, I think that it will end up saving us a ton of time and it doesn't seem like it needs a migration. Should I book a demo for the team?

Schedule A Demo