Run on the
genomic cloud

Easily runnable and shareable code that makes it easy to cite your work.

Try itSee the guides

Works Perfectly For Every

Easy to understand guides and executable code to help you run your experiments

Simple scripts image

Simple to understand scripts and modules

Icon code

Simple scripts make sharing simple

Simple bioinformatic code makes the code more reusable and shareable.

Icon cloud

Run locally or on the cloud

Easily run on cloud notebooks with public or private data buckets for seamless sharing.

Works In Your Existing Environments

Run your entire or just part of your workflow on tinybio

Made for all use cases

Individual modules

Individual Modules

Use only a subset of translated and obfuscated modules.

Full workflows

Full Workflows

Run entire workflows from start to finish on the cloud.

On-premise & cloud compute resources

Easily Share Your Results
With Everyone

Easily change the sharing functionality on your workbench and get citations.

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